25 Encouraging Psychological Facts About Moving On

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Recovering from a breakup or trying to move on from a toxic one? Here are 25 psychological facts about moving on to help make the healing process easier. Moving on after a painful incident, a breakup or loss can be hard but it is possible and you can do it. Letting painful situations define your destiny is setting yourself up for failure.

Your pain is real and it may seem difficult to spot the light at the end of the tunnel but with time, all wounds can be healed. Make sure that whatever your situation is at the moment, try to look for ways to ease your pain, simple activities like yoga, walking, swimming, and dancing can help reduce stress and emotional pain.

25 Encouraging Psychological Facts About Moving On

1. Addiction Symptoms

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Being in love is like being on a love drug, the body produces a hormone called oxytocin which can take time to leave the body during or after a breakup. At the same time, cortisol (stress hormone) increases in the body causing depression, sadness, frustration, and emotional pain. Someone recovering from a breakup will experience the same symptoms as someone trying to quit smoking so just know that this too shall pass.

2. Loss Of Appetite

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Losing your appetite after a breakup is quite normal, this is due to high cortisol levels in your system which affects the gastrointestinal tract and causes nausea. Make sure to eat and stay healthy while going through this dark phase of your life even if food is the last thing on your mind.

3. Talking & Thinking

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Naturally, after a breakup, you will find yourself talking and thinking about your ex quite often which is quite normal. Research also suggests that talking or thinking about your ex will actually help you get over them faster than trying to forget the relationship or the breakup didn’t happen. In fact, talking or thinking will actually help you discover your individuality sooner.

4. Breakup Studies

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Research shows that actually participating in breakup studies can help you move on faster. This is because when you try to help others get through their breakup, you will begin to heal. Also. taking part in breakup studies will give you the opportunity to vent and venting is one of the best ways to get over frustration. 

5. Similar To Physical Pain

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Researchers suggest that affects the nervous system which is directly responsible for digestion, arousal, and regulation of internal organs. Participants of the study also stated that after going through a breakup, they actually faced physical pain and a slowed heart rate. Symptoms like joint pain, nausea, headaches, and fatigue we found to be common in the study.

6. Spending Less

psychological facts about moving on spending less on a wedding prevents breakup

This study shows that couples who spend less on their wedding are less likely to get a divorce while people who spend more than $20.000 on their marriage ceremony are 3.5% more likely to get a divorce. Don’t spend too much money on your wedding!

7. Change & Clarity

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Research shows that people who are going through a breakup usually experience a strong sense of change and reduced self-clarity. This is because they will not only feel pain over the breakup but also how the breakup changed them.

8. Recovery Phase

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Studies show that in most cases after a breakup, women tend to recover faster and move on while men never fully recover. Breakups are usually harder on men and they suffer long-term while women are genetically wired to handle emotional pain better.

9. Heartbreak

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Studies show that regardless of what people think, heartbreak is very real! Also known as broken heart syndrome, breaking up from someone you truly love and not only causes emotional pain but physical pain as well.

10. Identity Crises

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Psychology says that people who are more committed to a relationship usually go through identity crises and personality change after a breakup. 

11. Drinking Wine After A Breakup

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Studies show that women are more likely to drink more wine while going through a breakup. Having a glass of wine when feeling down is a great way to help you recover or cope with your pain just try not to overdo it!

12. Depression

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Psychology says that breakups that are really messy can lead to major depression symptoms which tend to last longer and feel worse than the pain of losing someone. If you are feeling this bad, try to get help because the longer your symptoms last, the more dangerous it can be to your health.

13. Question Yourself

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Asking yourself over and over about what went wrong and how you could have prevented it is quite normal after a breakup. In fact, this post shows that almost everyone going through a breakup or trying to move on will spend most of their time questioning themselves.

14. Self-Blaming

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Just because your relationship failed doesn’t mean that you are a failure, it simply means that the person or the relationship was not right for you. This is a fact not a theory. Most people blame themselves for their breakup but unless you actually did something like cheating to cause the breakup, you should not blame yourself for your failed relationship.

15. Room For Someone New

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Going through a breakup or trying to move on from a breakup is frustrating, and depressing but looking on the bright side, it is actually something good! After all the pain is gone, you can begin to put yourself out there and mingle again. This time though, you will learn from your failed relationship and make better decisions in your new one.

The saying goes that “everything happens for a reason” it may not feel this way right now but maybe breaking up was just making room for Mr or misses right!

16. Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Psychology says that 70% of the time, people grieve the thought of what if instead of the failed relationship itself. Thinking of what could have been can make the recovery process longer than it needs to be. Considering the fact that “shit happens” and “it wasn’t meant to be” will help you move on!

17. Facade

Psychological Facts About Moving On

People tend to fall in love with the idea of a person instead of the person, most relationships fail because there was no true love, to begin with in the first place! Think about it, maybe the person that you fell in love with never really existed, to begin with, maybe it was all a facade!

18. Friends Can Help

Psychological Facts About Moving On

Research shows that having friends around you can actually help you get over the pain of a breakup and make the process of moving on go faster. Try to surround yourself with people who love and care about you through this difficult time because being alone while hurting is never helpful.

19. It Will Go Away

Psychological Facts About Moving On

In spite of what you may be feeling right now, just know that the pain will go away! Pretty soon, you will be looking back and thinking “what the hell was I thinking”! Don’t let the pain of your breakup prevent you from moving on to better things!

20. Learning Curve

Psychological Facts About Moving On

After all, is said and done, you will realize that your failed relationship was simply a learning curve that will help you shape your future. It may seem far from the truth right now but just know that a year from now, when you are with someone new, your failed relationship will feel like something good!


Now you know about the psychological facts about moving on and it’s time to get rid of everything that reminded you of your ex! Research shows that 80% of the time, your ex may try to come back, we recommend, getting rid of his or her number and move on! If you liked this post or found it interesting, please share it with your friends and also take a moment to follow un on Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter for more interesting facts when we publish them.

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